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GUZTO Banana Chips is a homemade, pesticide-free chips that is artistically cooked to make a natural fruit snack.

Every GUZTO Banana Chips you buy can uplift the farmer's sustainability and for the children's better education and brighter future.


Be with us, as we share our passion to the rest of the world!



Here is video and a list of GUZTO Banana Chips products:


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GUZTO Banana Chips 100g


GUZTO Banana Chips 350g

GUZTO Banana Chips 500g


GUZTO Banana Chips Smokey BBQ


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Why GUZTO Banana Chips

1 GUZTO Banana Chips is a freshly harvested certified pesticide free Saba banana from the island of Mindoro, Philippines


2 It is cooked on the same day in a passionate, traditional homemade style committed to produce a real natural fruit snack food using pesticide free ingredients.


3 It is both approved by HALAL and FDA for good manufacturing practices and food safety.


4 It is an organic, healthy snack that is well accepted and loved by all ages and all countries in the world.


5 We also create and uplift sustainability in the island for the farmers and craftsmen, which could give more opportunities to children for a better and brighter education.


Have a bite! Sure, you will indulge and crave for more GUZTO Banana Chips. It is delightfully delicious in every bite.

Be with us, as we share our passion to the rest of the world!

Delight in every bite!


Our Banana Chips and It's Significance



We help our local farmers

We inculcate GMP on our employees

We dare to dream to be a well-known manufacturer locally and internationally and

We are here to share not just our dream but our passion as well....


to the rest of the world.


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